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a logical geometry project

Sources (1448 to 1472 of 1923)

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Title Contributor(s) Date
Language Diagrams
Quadratum auctum Englebretsen, George 1984 English 19
Quadrupertitum in Oppositiones, Conversiones, Hypotheticas, & Modales Caubraith, Robert 1516 Latin 0
Quadrupertitum in oppositiones, conversiones, hypotheticas, et Modales Caubraith, Robert 1510 Latin 0
Quaestiones Dialecticae, & Physica. Ad mentem subtilissimi Doctorum Ioannis Duns Scoti de la Fuente, Gaspar 1631 Latin 0
Quaestiones minoris dialecticae Comas del Brugar, Miguel 1661 Latin 0
Quaestiones super librum Perihermenias Buridan, John 1370–1400 Latin 1
Quaestionum et Commentariorum in Organon Aristotelis Hilden, Guilielmus 1585 Latin 0
Quand, en arabe, on parlait de l'arabe... (III) Grammaire, logique, rhetorique dans l'islam postclassique Larcher, Pierre 1992 French 0
Quantification as a Major Module of Natural Language Semantics Löbner, Sebastian 1987 English 0
Quantification of the predicate and many-sorted logic Parry, William T. 1966 English 0
Quantification under negative scope in Singapore English Ziegeler, Debra 2017 English 1
Quantification, domains of discourse, and existence Nedzynski, Thomas G. 1979 English 1
Quantifiers in Language and Logic Peters, Stanley;
Westerståhl, Dag
2006 English 2
Quantifiers, Questions and Quantum Physics. Essays on the Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka Kolak, Daniel (ed.);
Symons, John (ed.)
2004 English 0
Quantifying Statements (Why 'Every Thing' is Not 'Everything', Among Other 'Thing's) Schang, Fabien 2024 English 4
Quantum Mechanics and the Interpretation of the Orthomodular Square of Opposition de Ronde, Christian;
Freytes, Hector;
Domenech, Graciela
2017 English 0
Quelques problèmes posés par une description de surface des modalités en français Sctrick, Robert 1971 French 0
Quelques remarques sur la théorie des récits Brodeur, Jean-Paul 1976 French 0
Questiones longe super librum Peri hermeneias Buridan, John;
van der Lecq, Ria (ed.)
1983 Latin 0
Questiones super duo libros Peri Hermeneias Aristotelis Dullaert, John 1515 Latin 2
Questions about quantifiers van Benthem, Johan 1984 English 1
Questions and Answers about Oppositions Schang, Fabien 2012 English 0
Quoniam ex terminis fiunt proposiciones 1483 Latin 0
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue. From the Art of Disccourse to the Art of Reason Ong, Walter J. 1958 English 0
Reasoning with Rules and Rights: Term-Modal Deontic Logic Frijters, Stef;
Meheus, Joke;
Van De Putte, Frederik
2022 English 3
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