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a logical geometry project

Persons (640 to 664 of 1955)

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Frath, Pierre 1 0
Frécon, Louis 1 2
Fred, Ana 1 0
Frege, Gottlob 1848 1925 5 8
Frellonius, Franciscus 1546 1 0
Frellonius, Ioannes 1570 1 0
Freudenthal, Gideon 1 0
Freytes, Hector 2 1
Fries, Jacob Friedrich 1773 1843 3 3
Frijters, Stef 6 37
Froben, Georg Ludwig 1566 1645 2 0
Fröbes, Joseph 1 3
Fu, Tzu-Keng 1 0
Fuchs, Hero 1 0
Fuchsberger, Ortolf 1490 1541 2 1
Fuentes, 1 0
Fukert, Philipp Wilhelm 1 0
Fuller, Mark E. 1 0
Furbach, Ulrich 1 0
Furs, S. N. 1 1
Furter, Michael 1516–1517 1 0
Gabbay, Dov M. 1945 10 0
Gabriel, Leo 1 0
Gaeta, Angelo 5 11
Gagolewski, Marek 1 0
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