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a logical geometry project

Gottlob Frege   (°1848, †1925)

Gottlob Frege authored the following 5 sources, containing a total of 8 diagrams.

Frege, Gottlob. 2018. Gottlob Frege: Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens. Edited by Matthias Wille. Berlin: Springer. (3 diagrams)
Frege, Gottlob, and Rudolf Carnap. 2004. Frege’s Lectures on Logic. Carnap’s Student Notes 1910-1914. Edited by Erich H. Reck and Steve Awodey. Chicago, IL: Open Court. (2 diagrams)
Frege, Gottlob. 1972. Conceptual Notation and Related Articles. Translated by Terrell Ward Bynum. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (1 diagram)
Frege, Gottlob. 1967. “Begriffsschrift, a Formula Language, Modeled upon That of Arithmetic, for Pure Thought.” In From Frege to Gödel. A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, translated by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg, 1–82. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (1 diagram)
Frege, Gottlob. 1879. Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens. Halle: Louis Nebert. (1 diagram)
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