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a logical geometry project

Persons (997 to 1021 of 1950)

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Krause, Décio 1 0
Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich 1781 1832 1 1
Krawczak, Maciej 1 0
Kreinovich, Vladik 1 0
Kretzmann, Norman 2 0
Król, Jerzy 1 0
Kruja, Eriola 1 0
Krzywoszyński, Przemysław 1 0
Kubiszeski, Guilherme 1 3
Kumova, Bora I. 1 5
Küng, Guido 1933 1 0
Kunze, Peter 1 0
Kutz, Oliver 1 0
La Mantia, Francesco 1 0
La Palme Reyes, Marie 2 1
Labeo, Notker 950 1022 2 3
Lacavalleria, Antonius 1 0
Laenzlinger, Christopher 2 0
Lagerlund, Henrik 1970 3 3
Lahaye, Franciscus Josephus 1 1
Lalemandet, Jean 1595 1647 1 1
Lam, Hak-Keung 1 0
Lambert, Karel 1928 2 2
Lamine, Nicolaus 1646 1708 1 1
Lamma, Evelina 1 2
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