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a logical geometry project

Persons (922 to 946 of 1950)

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Name Birth
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Authored diagrams
Johns, Chris 1 1
Johnson, Richard 1 0
Johnson, W. E. 1858 1931 1 10
Johnston, Spencer 1986 2 1
Jones, Emily Elizabeth Constance 1 1
Jorgensen, Paul C. 1 0
Joseph, Horace William Brindley 1867 1943 1 1
Jouret, Petrus 1 0
Joyce, George Hayward 1 0
Jünger, Michael 1 0
Junte, Luceantonius 2 0
Kacprzyk, Janusz 3 0
Kahane, Ahuvia 1 0
Kahane, Howard 2 0
Kalinowski, Jerzy 1916 2000 6 7
Kaminski, Michael 1 0
Kann, Christoph 1956 1 0
Kapsner, Andreas 1 0
Kar, Samarjit 1 0
Karger, Elizabeth Christiane 1 0
Karlova-Bourbonus, Natali 1 0
Katz, Shmuel 1 0
Katzir, Roni 1 1
Kaulich, Wilhelm 1 1
Kaymak, Uzay 1 0
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