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a logical geometry project

Persons (78 to 102 of 1954)

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Name Birth
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Authored diagrams
Axinn, David 1953 2017 1 0
Axinn, Sidney 1923 2018 3 1
Bachman, Christine E. 1 0
Bachmann, Carl Friedrich 1785 1855 1 1
Bacigalupo, Giuliano 1 0
Bäck, Allan 1 0
Bacon, John B. 1 1
Bacon, Roger 1214–1220 1292 3 0
Bade, Josse 1461–1462 1535 2 0
Badir, Sémir 1968 1 0
Bagatta, Giovanni Bonifacio 1649 1702 1 3
Bahm, Archie J. 1907 1996 1 3
Baixeries, Jaume 1 0
Ball, Linden J. 1 0
Ballard, T. 1 0
Banerjee, Mohua 1 2
Báñez, Domingo 1528 1604 2 16
Bao, Zhiming 1 0
Baratgin, Jean 1 1
Barber, Richard L. 1 1
Barbier, Guillaume 2 0
Barceló-Aspeitia, Axel Arturo 1 1
Barco de Santa Inés, Pedro 1 1
Barco Gómez, Carlos 1 2
Bariletti, Giovanni 1 0
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