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a logical geometry project

Persons (53 to 77 of 1954)

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Armgardt, Matthias 1 0
Arminius, Jacobus 1560 1609 1 1
Arnaud, Joannes 1 0
Arnaud, Laurentius 2 0
Arnaud, Petrus 1 0
Arndt, Michael 1 0
Arnoldi von Usingen, Bartholomaeus 1465 1532 2 0
Arnolphus 2 2
Arp, Robert 2 2
Arrazola, José 1 0
Arredondo y García, Agustín 1 1
Artikis, Alexander 1 0
Ascher, Edgar 1 0
Ashworth, E. Jennifer 1939 3 14
Aslam, Muhammad 2 0
Assimakopoulos, Stavros 1 0
Atanassov, Krassimir T. 1 0
Atlas, Jay David 1 1
Atwater, Lyman H. 1813 1883 1 2
Aubert, Pierre 1 0
Aubrios, Daniel 1 0
Aubrios, David 1 0
Audenaert, Aegidius Franciscus 1 1
Auffret, Thomas 1986 0 0
Awodey, Steve 1959 1 0
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