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a logical geometry project

Persons (297 to 321 of 1950)

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Name Birth
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Authored diagrams
Caron, W. J. H. 1901 1988 1 0
Carrarra, Massimiliano 1 3
Carus, David 1 0
Carvalho, João Paulo 2 0
Casadio, Claudia 1 1
Casaubon, Juan A. 1 0
Casilius, Antonius 1589 1670 2 0
Castaldo, Paolo 1 1
Castro-Manzano, José Martín 3 3
Castroviejo, Elena 1 0
Casus, Johannes 3 3
Caubraith, Robert 2 0
Cavalcanti, Welchy Leite 1 2
Cavaliere, Ferdinando 1960 2 22
Ceberio, Martine 1 0
Celaya, Juan de 1490 1558 1 0
Cha, Meeyoung 1 0
Chainaie, Hubertus 1 2
Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar 6 7
Champeaux, William 1 1
Chandler, Hugh S. 1 1
Chantilly, Catherine 1 11
Chapados, Steeven 1 4
Chapman, Peter 2 0
Charlton, William 1 0
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