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a logical geometry project

Persons (815 to 839 of 1955)

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Name Birth
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Authored diagrams
Herbipolensis, Jacobus 2 0
Herbipolensis, Martinus 4 0
Herget, Don Emil 1955 1 0
Hermiae, Ammonius 435–445 517–526 3 0
Hernandez Paricio, Francisco 1 0
Heruti, Vered 1 0
Herwagen, Johannes 1 0
Hess, Elijah 4 8
Hessini, Marguerite A. 1 0
Heyd, David 1 0
Heylen, Jan 1 1
Heyse, Norbert 1 1
Heysse, Albanus 1877 1952 0 0
Hickey, J. S. 1 2
Hieke, Alexander 1964 1 0
Hildebrand, G. F. 1 0
Hilden, Guilielmus 1 0
Hilgendorf, Eric 1 0
Hilgert, Emilia 1 0
Hill, David J. 1 0
Hilton, Denis J. 2 3
Hinds, Samuel 1793 1872 1 1
Hirschl, Ran 1 0
Hispanus, Petrus 8 5
Hobart, Michael E. 1 0
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