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a logical geometry project

Persons (672 to 696 of 1950)

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Gan-Krzywoszyńska, Katarzyna 2 3
Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar 1 0
García Briones, Julián 1 0
García Onorato & San Miguel, Franciscus 1 0
García-Cruz, José David 1987 5 41
Garden, Francis 1 1
Gardies, Jean-Louis 1925 2004 1 0
Gärtner, Alexander Elenga 1 1
Gasser, James 1 2
Gaudin, John 1 1
Gaudoul, Pierre 1 0
Gavanelli, Marco 1 2
Gayer, Nancy 1 1
Gazeius, Gulielmus 1 0
Geerts, Walter 1 3
Georgala, Efthymia 1 0
Gerbrandy, Jelle 1 0
Gerogiorgakis, Stamatios 4 2
Gersh, Stephen 2 1
Gerticz de Dresden, Petrus 2 0
Gessner, Andreas 1 0
Gessner, Jakob 1 0
Geudens, Christophe 1992 3 17
Geulincx, Arnold 1624 1669 2 2
Geurts, Bart 1 2
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