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a logical geometry project

Persons (597 to 621 of 1950)

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Favaro, Alessandro 1 1
Fay, Tu-Anh 1 1
Fedrizzi, Mario 1 0
Feez, Susan 1 0
Feibleman, James K. 1 0
Fein, Ofer 1 0
Felici, Massimo 1 1
Fellowes, B. 1 0
Ferbas, Petr 1 0
Ferberus Junior, Augustinus 1 0
Ferilli, Stefano 1 0
Fernández de Buendia, José 1 0
Ferraro, Maria Brigida 1 0
Feys, Robert 1889 1961 1 1
Feys, Xander 0 0
Fiala, Karel 2 3
Ficara, Elena 1 0
Field, John 3 0
Fieser, James 1958 1 0
Filev, Dimitar 1 0
Fink, Sascha Benjamin 1 2
Fiorini, Rodolfo A. 2 6
Fisch, Max H. 1 0
Fischer, Friedrich 1 1
Fischer, Gilbert R. 1 1
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