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a logical geometry project

Persons (447 to 471 of 1950)

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de Laguna, Theodore 1876 1930 1 1
De Lannoy, Petrus 1 4
de Laudnoys, Nicolaus 1 2
De Lawne, Nathanael 1 0
de Libera, Alain 1948 1 0
De Libotton, Joannes Josephus 2 2
de Liondedei, Lorenzo 1 0
de Lorenzo, Javier 1 0
de los Huertos, Marco 1 1
de Lossada, Ludovicus 1681 1748 3 0
de Luna, Otinus 1 0
de Luque, Francisco 1 2
de Macedo, Benedictus 1 2
de Meulder, Franciscus 1 1
de Molder, Petrus 1 1
De Mullewie, Mannes 0 0
de Novilia, Robertus 2 2
de Oliveira Lima, João Alberto 1 0
de Oña, Pedro 1560 1626 1 3
de Orduña, Juan 1634 1 0
de Pater, Wilhelmus Antonius 1930 2015 2 3
de Porras, Alfonso 2 0
de Quareux, Gerardus Josephus 1664 1741 1 5
De Raeymaeker, Louis 1895 1970 0 0
de Rijk, Lambertus Marie 1924 2012 11 0
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