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a logical geometry project

Persons (328 to 352 of 1950)

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Cherkashina, Oksana 1 3
Chiacchiera, Silvia 1 2
Chiffi, Daniele 1979 2 5
Chisholm, Roderick 1916 1999 1 1
Cholinus, Gosuinus 2 0
Cholinus, Maternus 6 0
Cholinus, Petrus 2 0
Choudhury, Lopamudra 2 7
Chow, Ka-fat 1965 1 12
Christensen, Ryan 2 0
Christiansen, Henning 1 0
Çiçekli, Nihan Kesim 1 0
Ciucci, Davide 1974 9 51
Clark Murray, John 1836 1917 1 0
Clark, Michael 1 1
Clark, Robin 1 1
Clarke, Richard F. 2 2
Claude, Guilielmus 1 1
Clijmans, Petrus 1 1
Cock, Symon 1 0
Coenen, Filibert-Gerfried 1926 1993 0 0
Cohen, Carl 2 0
Cohen, Morris R. 1880 1947 2 0
Colinaeus, Simon 2 0
Colins, Antonius 1 1
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