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a logical geometry project

Persons (1465 to 1489 of 1950)

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Name Birth
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Authored diagrams
Robert, Serge 1 8
Roberts, Don D. 1 0
Robinson, R. E. 1 0
Rocci, Andrea 1 0
Rodgers, Peter 1 0
Rodrigues, Abilio 1 0
Rodrigues, Cassiano Terra 1 2
Rodriguez, Alphonsus 1 0
Rodríguez, Jorge Luis 0 0
Roelandt, Koen 2 0
Rolf, Eckard 1 0
Romero de la Encarnación, Manuel 1 1
Rommerskirchen, Heinrich 2 0
Rönnedal, Daniel 1 0
Rood, T. 1 0
Rosdorff, Leopold Willem 1 0
Rose, Mitch 1 0
Rosenhouse, Jason 1 1
Rouzé, Antonius 0 0
Rovilius, Gulielmus 1518 1589 2 0
Roy, Olivier 1 0
Roznai, Yaniv 1 0
Rubio, José Higuera 1 0
Ruffus, Petrus 1 0
Ruiter, Dick W. P. 1 0
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