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a logical geometry project

Persons (147 to 171 of 1950)

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Berthelin, Jean 1 0
Bertius, Petrus 1 2
Bertochus, Dionysius 1 0
Bertram, Ludovicus Alexander 1 1
Besnard, Philippe 1 1
Bethge, Gustavus 1 0
Bevilacqua, Simone 1 0
Beziau, Jean-Yves 1965 36 193
Bhatt, Mehul 1 0
Bhattacharjee, Reetu 2 0
Bianchi, Ivana 5 0
Bielas, Krzysztof 1 0
Bilicanus, Theobaldus 1 0
Billiet, Augustinus 1 1
Bing, Jon 1 0
Binini, Irene 1986 3 13
Birckman, Arnold 3 0
Bird, Otto 1929 2010 1 0
Bissell, David 1 0
Bistagne, Florence 1 0
Bittremieux, Jozef 1878 1950 1 2
Bjørdal, Frode 1960 1 1
Blair, Ann 1961 1 0
Blake, Katherine 1 0
Blanche, Andreas 1709 1 1
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