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a logical geometry project

Persons (128 to 152 of 1954)

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Beliakov, Gleb 1 0
Bellamy, Kate 1 0
Beller, Sieghard 1966 2018 4 3
Bellerus, Petrus 1 0
Bellucci, Francesco 2 0
Bellutus, Bonaventura 1 0
Ben-Avi, Gilad 1 1
Bender, Andrea 1 1
Benedek, András 1 0
Bennett, Deborah J. 1 0
Bensusan, Hilan 1967 1 0
Bentzen, Martin Mose 1 0
Benz, Anton 1 1
Benzmüller, Christoph 2 1
Berger, Susanna 1984 2 0
Bergström, Lars 1 0
Bermúdez, José Luis 1967 2 0
Bernhard, Peter 1 8
Berthelin, David 1 0
Berthelin, Jean 1 0
Bertius, Petrus 1 2
Bertochus, Dionysius 1 0
Bertram, Ludovicus Alexander 1 1
Besnard, Philippe 1 1
Bethge, Gustavus 1 0
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