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a logical geometry project

Persons (1040 to 1064 of 1954)

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Name Birth
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Authored diagrams
Le Fèvre, Hémon 1420–1490 1520–1529 1 0
Le Rées, François 1640 0 0
Leal, Fernando 1 0
Leclerc, Normand 2 0
Leclercq, Bruno 1 1
Lee, Chungmin 1 0
Lee, Harold N. 1 0
Lee, Sungbom 1 0
Leemann, Adrian 1 0
Lefebvre, Ferdinand 1848 1924 0 0
Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques 1450–1455 1536 1 0
Legallois, Dominique 2 0
Legg, Catherine 1 0
Lehmann, Rudolf 1 1
Leipert, Sebastian 1 0
Lejeune, Martine 1 2
Lemaire, Juliette 1 0
Lemanski, Jens 12 9
Lemmon, Edward John 1930 1966 1 0
Lenk, Hans 1935 2 1
Lenz, Oliver Urs 1 0
Lenzen, Wolfgang 1946 10 75
Leonard, Federicus 1 0
Leone, Nicola 1 0
Lepage, François 1 5
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