Francesco Orciuoli
- Gaeta, Angelo, Vincenzo Loia, and Francesco Orciuoli. 2024. “An Explainable Prediction Method Based on Fuzzy Rough Sets, TOPSIS and Hexagons of Opposition: Applications to the Analysis of Information Disorder.” Information Sciences 659: 1–16. (0 diagrams)
- Loia, Vincenzo, Francesco Orciuoli, and Angelo Gaeta. 2023. Computational Techniques for Intelligence Analysis. A Cognitive Approach. Cham: Springer. (0 diagrams)
- Abbruzzese, Roberto, Angelo Gaeta, Vincenzo Loia, Luigi Lomasto, and Francesco Orciuoli. 2021. “Detecting Influential News in Online Communities: An Approach Based on Hexagons of Opposition Generated by Three-Way Decisions and Probabilistic Rough Sets.” Information Science 578: 364–377. (11 diagrams)
- Gaeta, Angelo, Vincenzo Loia, and Francesco Orciuoli. 2021. “A Comprehensive Model and Computational Methods to Improve Situation Awareness in Intelligence Scenarios.” Applied Intelligence 51 (9): 6585–6608. (0 diagrams)