- Bloomsbury published the following 8 sources, containing a total of 5 diagrams.
- Burrows, David, John Cussans, Dean Kenning, and Mary Yacoob, eds. 2025. Drawing Analogies. Diagrams in Art, Theory and Practice. London: Bloomsbury. (0 diagrams)
- Watson, Jamie Carlin, Robert Arp, and Skyler King. 2024. Critical Thinking. An Introduction to Reasoning Well. 3rd ed. London: Bloomsbury. (1 diagram)
- Al-Fārābī. 2020. Al-Fārābī. Syllogism: An Abridgement of Aristotle’s Prior Analytics. Translated by Saloua Chatti and Wilfrid Hodges. London: Bloomsbury. (3 diagrams)
- Malpass, Alex, and Marianna Antonutti Marfori, eds. 2017. The History of Philosophical and Formal Logic. From Aristotle to Tarski. London: Bloomsbury. (0 diagrams)
- Watson, Jamie Carlin, and Robert Arp. 2015. Critical Thinking. An Introduction to Reasoning Well. 2nd ed. London: Bloomsbury. (1 diagram)
- Alexandria, Stephanus of. 2013. “Philoponus”, On Aristotle On the Soul 3.9-13, with Stephanus, On Aristotle On Interpretation. Translated by William Charlton. London: Bloomsbury. (0 diagrams)
- Hermiae, Ammonius. 2013. On Aristotle On Interpretation 1-8. Translated by David Blank. London: Bloomsbury. (0 diagrams)
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. 2010. On Aristotle On Interpretation 1-3. Translated by Andrew Smith. London: Bloomsbury. (0 diagrams)