Aristotelische diagrammen: eeuwenoud, springlevend. Een stand van zaken in de logische meetkunde (2021), p. 237
by Demey, Lorenz

Copyright according to our policy
- Buridanus' $\textit{magna figura}$ voor de modaal-categorische uitspraken (Leipzig MS 1372, f. 67r.)
- Aristotelian family
- Buridan Sigma-4
- Boolean complexity
- 6
- Number of labels per vertex (at most)
- 9
- Equivalence between (some) labels of the same vertex
- Yes
- Analogy between (some) labels of the same vertex
- No
- Uniqueness of the vertices up to logical equivalence
- Yes
- Errors in the diagram
- No
- Shape
- Rectangle (irregular)
- Colinearity range
- 0–2
- Coplanarity range
- 0
- Cospatiality range
- 0
- Representation of contradiction
- By central symmetry
- Conceptual info
- No
- Mnemonic support (AEIO, purpurea ...)
- No
- Form
- circular
- Label type
- linguistic
- Language
- Latin
- Lexical field
- modal syllogistics
- Contains partial sentences or single words
- No
- Contains abbreviations
- Yes
- Contains definitions of relations
- No
- Form
- none ,
- bands
- Has arrowheads
- No
- Overlap
- Yes
- Curved
- No
- Hooked
- No
- As wide as vertices
- No
- Contains text
- Yes
- Label type
- linguistic
- Language
- Latin
- Contains partial sentences or single words
- Yes
- Contain abbreviations
- Yes
Vertex description
Edge description
- Diagram is colored
- No
- Diagram is embellished
- No
- Tags
- Leuven ;
- duality